Outtake of fannying around whilst under the weather and getting ready to have a pussy play
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I don't know why, but a long and testing time on the toilet often makes me painfully horny. So here is me leaving the bathroom and heading to the bed. But my plan was scuppered by my two furry four legged housemates who both wanted me to give them some fuss instead giving myself some fuss. Haha
Well, hello there. How are you? I look rough there and I feel rough right now
and I have been having the most interesting time
I don't like that, let's get rid of that for now, um in the bathroom and uh it has left me feeling
knackered and ridiculously fucking horny. I don't, I don't understand why this is a thing
but it just is and I see Maxie has nabbed my space on the bed since I last just popped to the loo